Financial Assistance for Families with Moderate or Low Incomes
For many families, our tuition is affordable and fairly priced. However, if your family needs financial assistance, we are grateful to be able to offer a limited number of camperships each summer.
If you are applying for a campership, the Friends Camp deposit is only $100 per session, per child. The deposit for a one-week Jones camp session is just $50 per child.
The deadline for the campership applications is March 1, 2025. You can find the online campership form once you have signed up using our online registration system.
Please call our office if you have any questions about financial assistance. We are truly happy to talk with you about payment plans, camperships, and affording camp for your family. Every child should have the opportunity to attend summer camp!
Here are eight possible ways to help you reduce the Friends Camp tuition costs:
When registering your child, select the Basic tuition rate.
Ask your Friends Meeting / Congregation for campership support.
Ask that holiday and/or birthday gifts be all or part of the summer camp tuition.
Look to local service organizations for campership support.
Look to governmental and social service agencies for support.
If your camper is a teen, they could work part-time to help pay some of their camp fee.
Low income families from Maine can apply for the Maine Children’s Home / Keller Family Fund campership Programs – contact Camp Director for more information.
Ask grandparents or other family members to help out with the camp tuition.