Camp Committee
The mission of Friends Camp is to give youth and families a unique outdoor camp for spiritual, emotional, and creative growth. Friends Camp strives to be a caring and accepting community that embraces the faith and practices of Friends (Quakers) as one of many ways of helping youth discern a true and healthy path into adulthood with group worship, recreational activities, artistic pursuits and work projects.
The Friends Camp Committee is part of the governing structure for Friends Camp with specific duties and responsibilities for oversight of the camp operation delegated to it by New England Yearly Meeting. The Camp Committee is under the general oversight of the Permanent Board and the Yearly Meeting Secretary, which have responsibility for all property and programs of the Yearly Meeting.
The Friends Camp Committee is made up of 15 members, including both Friends and non-Friends who care deeply about Friends Camp. The Camp Committee meets quarterly throughout the year, and sub-committees meet regularly as well. The sub-committees include Development, Finance, Nominating, Personnel, Buildings & Grounds, and Health & Safety. The Nominating Committee seeks out members with diverse backgrounds, skills, and interests. If you are curious to learn more about the camp committee or would like to express interest in serving on a sub-committee or the Camp Committee, please fill out this interest form or email the Camp Director. The Camp Director will connect you with the Camp Committee Clerk or Clerk of the Nominating Committee.
Camp Committee Members can access current documents for meetings here.